Friday, August 21, 2009

o hay, you're an asshole.

I swore violently while on the phone with my dad the other night. Why is this?

Well, I was chatting with him while I was on the way home. Traffic was its usual level of heinous, of course, so it was stop and go and I was trying to remotely figure out what the hell is wrong with the little button thingies I have for my door locks (as in, they don't work at all, and my alarm goes off every time I unlock the doors with my key). So why did I swear? Not at my dad, of course (though THAT has happened before).

Not one, not two, but THREE people passed me. I was in the far right lane. Meaning that they passed me by driving down the shoulder.

Now, I realize that they were clearly in a hurry to get on the B/W Parkway. That's cool. But we weren't anywhere near the exit and it's not like you can drive that fast down the B/W in rush hour, anyway.

So what the fuck? You're more uncouth than Texans.

My dad laughed at me.

Also, what is up with the people on the metro? Monday I watched as young women who did not look to have any kind of physical disability made a woman who was clearly very pregnant (and I don't mean she could have just been fat and carrying her weight funny, but was otherwise a slim woman with a large, protruding parasite attached to her front) stand for about 5 stops. And then she had to pretty much YELL at a dude so that she could get to the empty seat I was beating the vultures away from.

Rude motherfuckers. I also watched a blind man stand for 10 stops yesterday. Seriously, kids?

I hate the metro, and I hate the people on it. Especially the dillholes who stand in the middle of the aisle then act like you're inconveniencing them when you need to get past to get off the train.

You're a dickweed, sir.

Wednesday only some of the doors on my train car opened. And the lights would only be on periodically. It was ... interesting.